Editing Services


Editing Services

Editing services look at a document, manuscript or website as a whole, focusing on global concerns, i.e. issues that affect the entire work and which can influence how readers respond to it. The editor then suggests changes and makes improvements by shaping the written material.

The purpose of editing is not to comb your written work for errors; rather, it focuses on the way you use language to communicate your story or message to the reader.

Editors suggest and make changes to deliver concise writing, refine the style and language, enhance the flow and clarify the plot, theme or meaning. In addition, the editor pays attention to the structure and organisation of the piece to make it more effective.

The editor may rewrite and rearrange chapters and sections. Further, the editor may make suggestions to the author about new approaches and ideas, and advise the author to rewrite paragraphs and chapters, and even to write new material.

Proof Perfect NZ provides various levels of editing. Developmental, structural or substantive editing (heavy or content-level editing) concentrates on ensuring the material’s structure, content, grammar, word choice, style and presentation are suitable for its intended purpose and readership.

Where essential, major structural corrections and improvements are made, such as moving chapters or sections to different locations, creating new chapter and sections, and deleting material.

Stylistic or line editing (medium or paragraph-level editing) is about the prose or written language used. It’s about the craft of writing, that is, paragraph structure, sentence flow, word choice and language-related techniques.

Editing is available to meet your specific needs

Select your client category for customised service
Let me provide you with the editing services that best suit your requirements.
Services are tailored according to client category, the purpose of the written material and the intended audience.
Want to know more? Contact Renell today on +64 (0)29 1230 158 or renellj@proofperfect.co.nz

Packages & Pricing

Options are available for all services:
on-demand hourly rate | project-based fee | monthly retainer

The fee charged depends on the service selected and quality of the written material.

While I do not follow a ‘charge per word’ fee model because this penalizes clients who write well, a quotation based on a ‘per word’ or ‘per page’ rate can be provided if preferred.

Editing | 
Copy editing | Proofreading |
Website copywriting, editing, proofreading & review |
Combination of any of these, bundled

Not sure which service is right for you?

I’m happy to discuss your requirements and help you choose

Let’s Connect

Contact Details

Location: Timberland Drive, Millwater, Silverdale, Auckland, 0932

Postal Address: PO Box 300609, Albany, Auckland, 0752

Get in Touch

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